Frequently asked questions
Use of Gift Gard
Use of Shopping Code
If your account appears to be temporarily disabled, we encourage you to try logging in again tomorrow. The block is probably due to more than 5 incorrect login attempts!
If you did not receive the OTP code, make sure the phone number was typed in correctly, also try again to connect to another Wi-Fi or mobile network, and finally use another device.
To delete your registered account you must send an email to: [email protected] specifying in the text the address to be deleted and the site(s) in question.
If you are having difficulty registering, I recommend that you fill in all the required fields making sure you spell the information correctly and without adding spaces. Check the password you entered, it must contain all the required mandatory characters!
If your credentials are found to be incorrect, we recommend that you set a new password via appropriate option so that your user is not locked out by too many attempts
You can choose to register or make one purchase at a time via guest mode!
Check in all your mail folders! The e-mail may have ended up in spam or junk mail. If you can't find it, try logging in again so you can repeat the login process
You can do this from the “edit profile” section. Here you will be able to change your name, E-mail, home address (including province and city), age group, and your gender.
This message is due to typographical errors or the second attempt to enter the same into your wallet. Pay attention to the letter “O” which can be mistaken for the number “0” (indicated with a slash inside) and the letter “I” mistaken for the number “1”.
Make sure you have typed the code correctly, without spaces, and that you have not let more than 5 minutes pass! Otherwise it will expire and you will need to request a new one.
You can reload your wallet only if you have credit left in it! Otherwise it will report an error and you will not be able to proceed.
In order to be able to finish the purchase order, you have to make sure that only the desired shopping code is in the shopping cart, otherwise you will get this error: “you cannot create a mixed cart that contains both gift cards and shopping idea codes”
Make sure that the product you choose is purchasable with the code you have. To check this, go back to the product tab within the catalog, and check the “purchasable with” indication
Try again from another device or clear your cache and history, sometimes it may happen that the page does not update automatically!
Yes, you can request cancellation of a Gift Card Gift Card within 14 days from the date of purchase (right of second thought or right of withdrawal, as stated in the FAQ “Is requesting cancellation equivalent to exercising the right of withdrawal?”), which is the date you “converted” your ideaShopping credit to the Gift Card of interest, unless you have already downloaded it. Remember not to download unless you are certain of your purchase! In fact, from the moment of download, you have an immediately usable digital code (i.e., directly spendable at the issuing entity). Such a digital code is a legitimation title issued by a third party and accepted by the latter at its points of sale; therefore, Amilon has no guarantee that the same has not already been used (or that it will not be used) nor can it decide to proceed with returns/cancellations regarding the same.
Sorry: the gift card you chose is no longer available, but it will be soon because my human colleagues are constantly stocking up the warehouse. Try again at another time
Viewing your balance is very simple, you will just need to: log in to your personal area, Click on your name in the upper right and then on My wallet. Remember that you can only view your balance if you are a user Registered!
No, as gift cards are already a payment method, it is not possible to convert them into money
Try again from another device or by clearing cache and history first. If the error persists contact our support
Check the terms and conditions of your gift card, there is probably some step you are not following! If you need help contact support
No, our gift cards are digital but you will still have the possibility to print the PDF
No! as indicated on the voucher itself, you must activate it before you can spend it
For more information, please see the product terms and conditions in the catalogue
Sorry, but if the gift card has expired it is not possible to extend its validity or recover the amount
Once you have finished the amount on a gift card, it is not possible to reload it. Instead, you can buy a new one!
To download your gift cards, go to your personal area and click on Voucher
To see all your orders, click on Voucher
If your order is "failed", it means that it has not been successful and the credit of the code has not been scaled. For this reason, please try again to place a new order after a few minutes.
Sure, you can send a gift to your loved ones! At checkout, simply press the appropriate option and enter the data required for sending.
Make sure that the product you have chosen is available for purchase with the code in your possession. To check, go back to the product page in the catalogue and check the "available with"
If the code is found to be empty, you have used the full amount available. You can find all your purchases in the Voucher section
If your code is already shown as being used, check that you have not created multiple accounts with different email addresses and entered it there already or used it with your cell phone number
I'm sorry, unfortunately the code is no longer valid and it is currently not possible to extend its validity
Certainly, once logged in you will be able to purchase a new ideaShopping code
Of course. This feature is only selectable if you have remaining credit in your wallet. You can purchase a recharge from 1 to 49 euros
This may be due to an oversight! I recommend you to check that you have not entered the code with another phone number or the mobile phone of a person close to you.
The expiration of shopping codes is indicated on the codes, please check them so you don't forget to use them!
Certainly. You can add up the credit of two Shopping codes only if you have registered. However, if you are using the platform as a guest, you can only use one Shopping code at a time. Then check the Shoppable section with on the page of the brand you have chosen to make sure it is shoppable with the codes you have.
Shopping codes are fractional and can be used until credit is exhausted and until the expiration date. To see your available credit, log in (or register) and go to your personal area, in the My Wallet section
Yes, but only if you purchased it from Amilon; in fact, it is possible to cancel an ideaShopping code purchased by credit card on this portal (https://idea-shopping.com/it/GiftCard/ideashopping-ita), within 14 days from the date of purchase (right of second thought or right of withdrawal, as indicated in the FAQ “Is the request for cancellation equivalent to the exercise of the right of withdrawal?”). On the other hand, it is not possible to request Amilon to cancel ideaShopping codes obtained from others, such as purchased from third-party portals or received as part of company welfare plans or reward initiatives.
No, you cannot change a Gift Card but, if you have not downloaded the PIN and 14 days have not passed, you can proceed with cancellation of the purchase. E.g., you cannot request validity extensions because the validity of a certain merchant's Gift Card was decided by the merchant who issued it and not by Amilon. Amilon, in fact merely makes it available to you after you have chosen and purchased it. In this regard, we remind you to properly check the conditions of use of a Gift Card gift card before you purchase it!
You can make the request by filling out the appropriate form found here https://amilon.com/it/return-order/ and sending it to [email protected]. Otherwise you can send a registered letter with return receipt or a PEC, but consider that the request to the dedicated email is handled faster. Before requesting cancellation, please consult the FAQs to check that your request for cancellation falls within the cases provided. For example, do not ask if you have already downloaded the spendable Gift Card.
In case of a request regarding an ideaShopping code, Amilon will cancel it and refund you the relative face value through the same means of payment you used for the purchase. In case of a request regarding a Gift Card, Amilon, having ascertained that the same has not yet been effectively downloaded (see FAQ “Can I cancel a Gift Card?”), will return the relative nominal value to you by uploading it to your “wallet” (in practice, it is as if the ideaShopping code used for the purchase of the Gift Card in question were “reactivated”). Indeed, we remind you that the ideaShopping code is itself a voucher, which cannot be monetized, does not entitle you to refunds, nor can it be exchanged for money (e.g., you cannot resell it!).
Yes, requesting the cancellation of an ideaShopping code or Gift Card (when it is possible) means requesting the cancellation of its purchase, that is, from a legal point of view, it means exercising the right of withdrawal (or “reconsideration”). This is a right provided by the Consumer Code with reference to contracts concluded at a distance or negotiated away from business premises between a professional and a consumer, to be exercised within 14 days. You can benefit from it where provided in the manner indicated in the FAQ above.

Are you a company?
We have come up with full digital and innovative solutions for companies leading the way in the world of digital gift cards.